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Baby Name Suggestion

Baby Name

Giving identification to a newborn is one lifestyle experience for every parent and other family members. Names are an identification that signifies the culture, origin, and nationality of a person. It plays an all-important role in developing the self-esteem and the identity of a child. Naming is a very important event in a person's life and is something that every parent enjoys giving to their child.  

In India, people resort to scriptures and astrology to find a suitable name for their child. People visit the astrologer and provide him with the date and time of birth of the newborn. Based on the information provided, the astrologer with his understanding and knowledge of the planets and other celestial objects derives the first alphabet of the name of the child and the name of the child is determined. 

Name your baby as per astrology 

As per the Indian astrological system, the most common practice that is followed is as per Nakshatra