Home / Vastu Shastra 2022 / Vastu for Positive Energy

Author: Acharya Mukti Bhurtel | Updated Sat, 12 Feb 2022 11:05 AM IST

Vastu for Positive Energy

Vastu for Positive Energy

Life requires energy. Our actions in our daily life need the energy to achieve momentum. Positive energies can help us improve the areas of our surroundings and life that otherwise can cause discomfort, worries, and concerns. By ensuring that positive energies reach us, we can make everything better. Maybe we consider Vastu to be the placement of things and the flow of energy through our house, office, and life, for a lasting lifestyle worth living and realizing that it is all about the positive energies that surround us.

Almost all the areas of our lives respond well to the use of Vastu principles. These range from our personal and intimate goals to our financial well-being and better relationships. Using the principles of Vastu, we can invite positive energies into our life, which can improve all the following:

1. Our relationships (both personal and professional)
2. Our income and job satisfaction
3. Health and personal well-being
4. Better fortune and good luck
5. Creativity
6. Our career and spiritual goals
7. Self-empowerment

By tackling and following Vastu principles in our home, office, and life, we can guarantee success with the minimum amount of inconvenience and discomfort. If you are ready for a better tomorrow, get busy and make everything happen for you, you need the power of positive energies. For more knowledge about positive energy you can contact Best Astrologers now.

Attract positive energies to your home following Vastu guideline

The Main Entrance: According to Vastu principles of harmony and energy flow, the main door or the entrance of your house is the entry point for positive energies to flow in. It is said that a door that opens outside pushes away energy out of the house. Ensure to have your main door opening inside or clockwise. It should open fully, or else the flow of energy will be limited. Good lighting near the main entrance or door stimulates positive energy flow, thereby promoting harmony and balance in the house.

The Color: As per Vastu principles each color in nature signifies something. For homes, light and bright colors are good. Earthy tones bring smoothening impact into the house. The seven colors of the rainbow cause positive vibrations in the space, apart from looking great.

Free all the clutter in the house: One of the fundamentals of Vastu is to keep the house clutter-free. Clutters in a house restrict the flow of positive energies and may often result in mutual discord and disharmony in the home and life. A clean, organized, and clutter-free home makes you feel relaxed and allows the movement of positive energies. Remove everything from your house that is broken, torn, burnt, and unused, because this brings sadness and restricts the flow of positive energies.

Mirrors: Mirrors have been given a lot of importance in Vastu. Any mirror that you put at home should be strategically placed to invite and spread positive energies in the house. The surface of a mirror reflects both positive and negative energies. Avoid placing mirrors in the bedroom and that too reflecting the bed. Mirrors can energize the room and that is not at all good for sleep.

Get some greenery inside: The green color of nature is a representation of supreme peace and tranquility. Nature and green have magical powers – it helps reduce anxiety and anger and soothe our mind and soul. Decorate your home with greens and you will find peace and tranquility prevailing in your house with loads of positive energies flowing in.

Your house smells fragrant and fresh: Lit a few incense sticks and fragrant candles in your house daily. It will fill your house with a nice smell and will emit positive energy. You can put some fresh flowers also. They are auspicious.

In today's world of anxiety, stress, and tension, we all need some positivity to recharge ourselves. Our inner qualities like inner strength, calmness, and positive energy help a lot in fighting these negativities of anxiety, stress, and tension. We seek refuge at home, so make sure that your home is full of positive energy so that you can regenerate and recapitulate from anxiety, stress, and tension.

To know more about Vastu for Positive Energy, visit us online and Talk to Astrologers now and get more tips and guidance on bringing positive energies into your life.